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Osteodouce Jacky Roux remote healing distance osteopathy energetic osteopathy treatments and online course

Sessions Descriptions 

Sciatica Treatment.


A woman contacted me for a remote session. In her email, she mentioned a sciatica experienced 5 years ago.

She had a MRI and she took painkillers. Today, this sciatica has returned: she had trouble standing, sitting and lying down.

A new MRI showed significant lumbar bone demineralization associated with degenerative disc disease and posterior osteoarthritis at the L4/L5 level on both sides with a nerve root involvement. She felt a pain from her right buttock to the soles of her feet and calf’s cramps. She met various osteopaths who told her “It’s not worth coming back".

With the Osteodouce method discovered by Jacky Roux, I remotely scanned her pelvis and lumbar vertebrae.

I felt in the first place a strong compression L5 / S1 on the right and a strong L4 / L5 twist.

She relaxed at home and I started harmonizing her pelvis remotely on Zoom.

- Harmonization of her pubic symphysis

- Harmonization of her left sacroiliac joints ++ and right ++

- Harmonization of her sacral vertebra S1 in torsion, S1/S2 compressed on the right

- Harmonization of her sacrum ++

- Harmonization of her sacrotuberous ligaments.

- Sacrum/iliac bones harmonization ++

- Intraosseous L5 harmonization then L5 / S1

- Harmonization of L4 then L4 / L5 (compression on the left)

- Harmonization L5/iliac bones and L4/iliac bones

- Intraosseous harmonization of her right femoral head then harmonization of the right hip

- Harmonization of her femoral bones and her ischium, then sacrum/femoral bones

She walked a little and she relaxed. I checked the harmony of her pelvis and I started again:

- Left sacroiliac harmonization

- Harmonization S1/S2 + on the left

- Harmonization L5 and L5/S1

- I checked her both ankles, thoracic and cervical vertebrae, her jaw, everything was fine.

She walked a little, she still could feel a pain in the gluteal area.

- Harmonization of S3/S4, S4/S5

- Harmonization of her gluteal muscles on the right, Sacrotuberous ligament on the right, L5/S1.

She walked a little and she relaxed.

- Harmonization of her small intestines. Osteodouce harmonization of the source of pain.

She walked a little. I checked the life movement of her structure which was satisfactory.

At the end of her session, she still had pain in the gluteal area but she felt a little lighter.

We met again for a second session three weeks later. She said she felt a "huge relief but there is still a little persisting pain in her buttock ". She mentioned feeling much better while seating but still some discomfort while walking. She did a new X-ray showing L4/L5/S1 pinches. She relaxed and I started harmonizing her pelvis again remotely on Zoom.

- Sacroiliac harmonization L+ and R+

- Harmonization S1 / S2 then the sacrum on itself.

- Right iliac and sacrum/iliac harmonization

- Harmonization L5 then L5/S1

- Harmonization L4 that I feel become small on the right

- Harmonization L4 / L5 then L5 / iliac bones

- Harmonization of her small intestine, ischium bones and femoral bones

She walked a little, she still feels a tension in the right buttocks.

- Harmonization S1/S2 (compression on the right), , S2/S3 on the right, sacrum +

- Harmonization sacrum / iliac bones, L5 / S1, sacrum / femoral bones.

- Musculofascial harmonization of her right buttock region

She walked a little Harmonization S1/S2, S2/S3, sacrum

She walked a little: Harmonization S2/S3 on the right

She walked a little: "it's much better" : Harmonization S3/S4, sacrum/femoral bones

She walked a little: Harmonization S3/s4, right psoas L5/small trochanter

She walked a little, she felt now a small dot in the buttock area: Harmonization S3 antero/ posterior

She walked a little: Harmonization of right sacrotuberous ligament.

She took her time walking. Everything is fine, she does not feel pain anymore.

I fully checked her pelvis which presented a harmonious movement of life.

Before leaving, this client remembered a fall seven years earlier while she was holding a chainsaw.

I could imagine the fear experienced by her body at the time of this fall.

We met again two months later. This client told me " she no longer feels pain at all and that she is happy to ride her bike again". She could sleep on her stomach without any problem. She felt now tension in the upper back area.

I checked and harmonized her pelvis again to eliminate some possible compensations.

- Quick sacroiliac harmonization left and right, S1/S2, sacrum, sacrum/iliac, L5/S1, L4/L5.

- Harmonization of T5/T4/T3/T2

- Harmonization of her ribs 5 and 4 on the left posterior and anterior.

The client walked and moved her shoulders. She no longer felt tension at the top of the spine.

End of the session.

Report of her session: Major harmonization of her sacroiliac joints, intraosseous joints of the sacrum and L5. Osteodouce makes possible to harmonize the shape of bones if necessary, which conventional methods of manual therapies cannot do.

In addition, Osteodouce may release traumatic layers of falls as well as emotions associated with them. Beyond the structural alignment, Osteodouce harmonizes memories held in the body, for the vital energy to circulate harmoniously again.


Shoulder chronic pain.

A young woman came to see me for a chronic pain located in front of her right shoulder since two years.

She met a surgeon who want to operate. I asked her if she felt some cervical pains as well : she answered no but she could feel a pain in the middle of her back. She showed me two points located on each side of her spine.

I began the session. While sitting at 3 meters from my patient I started her osteopathic treatment :

- Equilibration of her right sternoclavicular joint. I checked the position of her sternum and manubrium bones which are fine.
- Harmonization of her right acromioclavicular joint. During this work I could feel some strong muscular tensions.
- Harmonization of her right scapulohumeral joint.
- I checked her right elbow and particularly the radioulnar joint which is fine.

As shoulder problems may come from the skull and the cervical vertebrae, I decided to start the alignment from her skull :

- Equilibration of her cranial base: temporal bones, occipital bone, sphenobasilar symphysis) and sphenoethmoïdal symphysis.
- I quickly checked her jaw which is fine.
- Once her occipital bone is balanced I checked the cervical vertebrae: C0-C1, C1-C2, C0-C2, C2-C3, C3-C4, C4-C5,…
- Some vertebrae twists appeared from T6, T7, T8 and T9.
- Harmonization of T6 on itself then T6-T7 harmonization. I balanced as well her right 6th rib.
- Harmonization of T7 ( severe malposition) on itself then harmonization of T7-T8.
- T8 presents a severe malposition. Equilibration of T8 on itself, then harmonization with T9.
- Checking remotely her 8th ribs, I noticed that both ribs are posterior compared to T8 vertebrae. I balanced both ribs with T8.
- Equilibration of T9 on itself then harmonization with T10.

I asked the person to move her back and her shoulder then I verify her thoracic vertebrae : T8 is still not aligned. I corrected again its position, my patient moved again and T8 is now aligned.

I checked her shoulder and her acromioclavicular joint is still out of balance.

The person moved again her shoulder and she stills felt a pain in front of her shoulder.

I verified the movement of life of the three shoulder joints and it seems fine to me.

- Checking again her elbow, I can feel now a tiny malposition between her radius and ulna bones which I corrected.
The person moves again her shoulder : still the same pain.

At this stage of the treatment, as the structure is now aligned, I decided to check her ligaments and muscles.

The pain is located along the biceps muscles (which has two tendons at the top) and the coracobrachial muscle. I released these two muscles and the person felt a clear decrease of pain.

Because these two muscles have their tendinous ties on the coracoid apophysis, I decided to check her coracoid apophysis compared to the shoulder blade and I could feel a strong intraosseous misalignment. I balanced her right coracoid apophysis with the shoulder blade and instantaneously her shoulder pain disappeared !

Few days later, this person contacted me to say that she is feeling no more shoulder pain at all even while doing sports and as well she is feeling no more pain in the middle of her back.

My personal understanding of this session :
Her shoulder problem came from a compensation of T8 and both 8th ribs which created strong scapular muscular tensions.

No need to operate as recommended by the surgeon !!


Knee sharp pain.

The patient had a difficulty in bending the left knee further to an accident of scooter.

Using Osteodouce and sitting next to the person, I remotely scanned his pelvis which is fine, his left ankle fine, which indicates a local problem due to the fall and not a compensation. I thus began by:
- Correction Talus-Shin then Shin-Fibula at the ankle joint then I aligned the Shin and the Fibula every 3cms to release the interosseous membrane, then I harmonized Shin-Fibula joint proximal near the knee.
- Correction of the fibula on itself ( big twisting).
- Correction of the shin on itself.
- Correction Thighbone-Shin.
- Correction Kneecap-Thighbone and Kneecap-Shin ( big twisting).
- Correction Kneecap on itself ( big twisting).
I balanced the side ligaments of the knee and I asked my patient to move.
The knee got better but there was a light pain in the center of the knee so I worked its crossed ligaments.
Retest : the pain disappeared but appeared a new pain, this time external : I harmonized its meniscus ligaments.
Retest: the person moved and forced his knee in all directions : No more pain.
I verified the Movement of Life of the whole knee joints and its kneecap moved again.

I aligned it, I checked the movement of Life of the knee joints and the Movement of Life of its kneecap remained perfectly. After the session, the patient felt a tiny pain when climbing stairs and everything went perfectly well a few days later. No more pain at all​.

Pelvis Alignment with sciatica pain.

A recent session for a woman who suffered from a sciatica pain which started from the lower back and went down to the middle of her thigh. She had difficulty walking. She mentioned as well her right ankle which swells when she stands up too long.

While I invited her to lay down on my massage table, I could feel her becoming nervous: she is a Muslim and she felt uncomfortable being undress while being alone with a man. I told her that I practice an energetic method of osteopathy called Osteodouce and as no contacts are needed and she can keep her clothes on.

I sat in my armchair located two meters of my patient and I started first with a remote diagnosis of her pelvis : her pelvis was in rotation to the left to the left and her sacrum bone was is cephalic to the left. I began the osteopathic treatment :

- Her pubis symphysis was cephalic to the right and I balanced it.
- I balanced her 2 sacroiliac joints, particularly the left one which was blocked.
- I started to balance her sacrum bone, I noticed a intra-osseous twisting. I balanced the sacrum vertebras, particularly S1 / S2.
- Once done her sacrum was easily balanced.
- I balanced her lumbar vertebra L5, first on itself compared with the sacrum.
- I balanced the lumbar vertebra L4 on itself then with L5.
- I balanced the lumbar vertebra L3 which was gone laterally on the left, first on itself then L4.
- I did check the others vertebras L2, L1, T12 who were aligned, I did not have to work on them.
- I harmonized her two iliac bones then I synchronized them with her sacrum bone. During this work, I could feel between my hand her pelvis becoming smaller and smaller : that indicates a trauma during the period of growth. The Movement of Life revealed that the trauma happened when the patient was 1 year’s old.

I asked the patient to walk a little to create a new adaptation then she went to relax on my massage table.

At this time of the treatment, she was still feeling a strong pain in the area of the sacroiliac joint.

- I did repeat from the start her pelvis to check if the joints were still balanced : the pubis symphysis was fine as well as her sacroiliac joints, but her sacrum bone indicated a new twisting between S2 and S3 which I balanced.
- Then her left iliac bone appeared to be completely blocked. As that did not appear previously, it indicated that I was working on another layer of trauma, deeper than the previous one.
While holding remotely her left iliac bone in my hand, I informed it mentally that it was not in its correct position and Movement,

I wait until a harmonious movement in the shape of 8 appeared, which indicated that the Movement of Life returned well.
- I harmonized her thighbones then I synchronized them with the sacrum.
- Once her pelvis was well balanced, I did check both ankles. While working on her right ankle, I could feel an intra-osseous twisting of her talus bone which I released to balance well her ankle.
- I worked on her left ankle, then to her knee and I did balanced mainly her kneecap which had moved in extern.

I asked my patient to walk a little. She told me that she was feeling much better.

A tiny little pain was remaining around her sacroiliac, but very little.

I told her that the session was finished, that she will not need a second session and to keep me inform of her evolution in 4 days.
When she left she was walking normally and I could see a nice smile on her face.

4 days later, she informed me that she was feeling no pain anymore and she wished me a “ Wonderful day ” :)

My personal Diagnosis of her treatment :
The origin of the problem came from an intra-osseous twisting of her sacrum bone which happened when she was 1 year’s old.
Misaligned ankles were creating tensions up to her pelvis.

I specify that Osteodouce is the only method which allows to release intra-osseous bones twists.
Osteodouce can also release the different layers of traumatic adaptations, until a joint is entirely free.

For these reasons, results are deep and hold in time.

A session for a three-month-old baby.

The baby’s head turned always on the same side and his shoulders are clicking according the parents. This baby is the grandson of one of my students who lives abroad so I work on the baby remotely via Zoom.
Osteodouce is an great method for babies. As we don’t touch, babies can sleep and remain with their moms which is pleasant for everyone as babies tend to cry a lot during cranial osteopathic sessions.
A baby may experience various forms of stress during the pregnancy, especially during delivery.
For all these reasons, it is important to check the baby’s skull, his spine, the first ribs, his pelvis and his ankles.

I begin to check his skull : The skull does not present important torsions but occipital bone and temporal bones have no movement. The first cervical vertebrae (Atlas) is blocked in lateroflexion to the right.
- I release the SSB suture, I release the left occipital/mastoid suture and the right lambdoid suture.
- Harmonization of the occipital bone in four parts, particularly the two lateral parts with the suboccipital part.
After this work, the occipital bone is released, I can feel the Movement of Life which is similar for skull bones with the primary respiratory mechanism in cranial osteopathy.
- I check the temporal bones which present no torsion.
- Occipital/temporal bones harmonization.
- Sphenoid bone and other skull bones are fine.
- I check the baby mandible which is fine.
- I harmonize the first cervical vertebrae ( Atlas ) with the occipital.
- I harmonize the second cervical vertebrae ( Axis ) with Atlas then with the occipital bone to release some sub-occipital muscular tensions (compression to the left side).
- Cervical 3, 4, 5 present a good Movement of Life, sign that they are in their original place and in harmony.
- Harmonization of C6 which is in lateroflexion to the right then harmonization of C6/C7.
- Harmonization of C7 which is in lateroflexion to the left then harmonization of C7/T1.
- I check the thoracic vertebrae, T8 and T9 present a strong torsion which I release as well as T12/L1.

- I check the first ribs: right rib 1 and 2 are in torsion and left rib 3 is posterior.
- I check the baby pelvis which is fine.
- I check the baby’s ankles : the right ankle presents a small tibial/talus torsion which I release.
- The left ankle is fine.
- I check the baby’s shoulders: I release his right sternoclavicular joint and his right acromioclavicular joint as well as his right radius/humerus and ulna/humerus joints
- I release his left acromioclavicular joint and I check both clavicle motility.
The session is ended.


A few days later parents said that their baby is very well, his shoulders don’t click anymore and his head turns again freely.

If classical osteopathy provides great benefits for new born babies, Osteodouce offer a much more comfortable, deep and fast work. As well Osteodouce can release intrinsic skull bones torsions.

A session for a neck problem.

A patient contacted me in emergency for a osteopathic remote session. He was in pain and as he had to leave to the airport, he could not come to my office. We met on Zoom and I started the treatment. The pain is located at the lower part of his neck.
When it comes to neck problems, Osteodouce therapists have to be sure that the base of the skull is balanced. Indeed, if the occipital bone and the temporal bones are in torsions, the skull will then turn slightly on one side.

Then first cervical vertebrae (Atlas) and second vertebrae (Axis) will compensate.

I started the session remotely by checking his cranial base. The occipital and the temporal bones did not present significant torsions but the whole area was blocked, without movements.
- I harmonized the occipitomastoid suture on the right as well as the sphenobasilar symphysis, then I waited for the Occipital and temporal bones to be well harmonized.
- I checked the first cervical C1 / C2 / C3 / C4 which had a good and harmonious motion.
- C5, C6, C7 leaned to the right (right side-flexion), T1 and T2 turned right, D3 was blocked and D4 had a good movement.
- I harmonized each of these vertebrae, especially T1 / T2 which was strongly compressed on the left. Once released, C7 / T1 presented a new adaptive twist. The body indeed accumulated different layers of compensations over time and traumas experienced.
The work of Osteodouce is one of the few techniques that allows to release one by one these different adaptive layers.
I asked this person to move and then I checked all the work from the base of the skull.
- Harmonization T1 / T2. A new layer appeared which gave me the impression that this man felt on his head which he confirmed.

The patient moved again his head.
- A new adaptive layer appeared. I harmonized C6 and C7 which had jammed, then C5 / C6 which appeared now to be very blocked. I released them and I asked the patient to moves his head.
- C6 was again blocked and particularly C5 / C6. I worked on their left articular facets as well as those between C7 / T1.

The patient moved his head again.
- Now only T1 / T2 presented a new twist that I harmonized. T1 had gone in rotation on the right. The patient moved his head.
- I checked all cervical and dorsal and they all indicated a good Movement of Life, sign that they were in harmony in their place.
End of the session. The patient told me that the pain had dropped considerably.

I told him that muscles and ligaments will continue to relax after the session.

A month later, this patient came to see me at my office. He did not really need a second session as his neck is fine but as he was visiting friends who live near my office, he took the opportunity to redo a session, especially as he felt a light lumbar pain.
- I checked his cranial, occipital and temporal bases which are fine.
- I harmonized C6, C7 and especially the vertebral disk between C6 and C7, slightly compressed on the left. I worked on C5 / C6 and especially the articular facets on the left. The patient moved his head.
- No adaptive layer appeared. The cervical vertebrae had a good life movement, a sign that everything was fine.
I checked his pelvis. I did not feel any significant torsions except an absence of harmonious movement of the sacrum / iliac bones.
- I quickly harmonized both sacroiliacs joints, right iliac bone, I released both right ilio-lumbar ligaments, L5, L4 and L3.
-Harmonizing his two ischium bones, I noted during the work that they seemed to move both in a different direction.
This made me think of a difficulty of choice to make, as if this person was hesitating between two paths to take which made ischium bones going in two opposite directions then blocked his pelvis.
After the pelvis harmonization, I asked him to walk a little and I share with him this fact.
Pleasantly surprised, he was currently hesitating between continuing his present job and working in another country.
- I checked his pelvis, which was fine with a balanced and large movement of life.
I checked his low cervical vertebrae et thoracic bones which were fine as well.
The patient felt no more cervical and pelvis pain. End of the session.

Thanks Osteodouce, Thanks Universal Energy **

Contact me for a private session if you are in need of a treatment.

Osteodouce Jacky Roux is as well an amazing method which allows to treat yourself.

Contact me to Learn to Harmonize the Body in a Serious and Innovative Way.

Maxims of the Day

" The happiest people are those giving more."

~ H Jackson brown Jr 

" Our body is precious as it is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care."  ~ Buddha

" Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one."

~ Astrid Alauda

" There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophies."

~ Friedrich Nietzsche

" The body has an accessible

perfect blueprint." ~ Jacky Roux

" “When receiving intuitive information through your body, the more you listen, the more you hear."

~ Karen Whitaker

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