Osteodouce Jacky Roux
As a Cranial Osteopath trained in Somatopathy, Osteodouce and Energetics, I have developed many tools for the consultant’s wellness in order to respond seriously, responsibly and effectively to the requests of the people I meet on the physical or energetic levels.
I work for a holding company, in my clinic and I offer online teachings to share Osteodouce worldwide.
Practicing Osteodouce has led me to the understanding that each individual is connected to Wholeness which is Unconditional Love.
Happiness and durable Joy happen when we learn to stay connected to a Vision of the interconnected nature of all things while at the same time understanding the illusion of separation between thought and existence.
Through this training program, you will simply learn
everything in order to be able to practice the method and help people in need of somatic treatments.
Yann Yvinec