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Osteodouce Energetic Osteopathy Remote treatments online course and distance healing classes

Osteodouce Articles 

List of articles posted on the Facebook page Holistic Osteopathy.

Evolution of Osteopathy and Physical Therapies

In order to ease joint problems, men have been practicing manipulative techniques since ancient times.

European bone-setters used to travel from villages to villages to offer their services as well as Chinese therapists. 

As well, native Americans used to practice manipulative techniques.

Andrew Taylor Still was inspired by them to create his technique that he called Osteopathy in the middle of the 19th century.

His vision of osteopathy is defined by three rules:
- the structure governs the function, namely the position of bones influences the body physiology.
- the function governs the structure, namely a deficient organ may affect the mobility of some vertebrae.
- the body can heal itself, an innovative concept which was not accepted by other doctors at this time.

It is important to know that Andrew Taylor Still was a vitalist. He firmly believed in the existence of a vital energy which contains everything. Practitioners trained by Still used very gentle manipulative techniques for bones to return in their correct position.

Then the vital energy could circulate freely and bones was able to recover their self-healing abilities.

Osteopathy soon became very successful and schools opens all over the United States. Some Osteopaths went to England to spread this method and therapists from all over Europe went there to get trained. Osteopathy is still very popular in Europe today.

At the same time, Daniel David Palmer created a similar method closer to bone-setter’s techniques which he called Chiropractic.

This method is nowadays very present in America and Australia.

A generation later, a 27-year-old journalist, William Garner Sutherland, attends an osteopathic exhibition given by Still and his associate. Focusing on skull bones, he did realize that each bone presents a movement of expansion and contraction according to a mechanism that he called primary respiratory mechanism: it was the beginning of cranial osteopathy.

The vision of cranial osteopathy is defined in several points:
- When the primary respiratory mechanism of bones is restored, joints are balanced and presents no longer pain.
- The primary respiratory mechanism finds its origin in the 3rd ventricle, the cerebrospinal fluid and the cranial membrane tensions.
- The sacrum bone and the occipital bone play a vital role for the primary respiratory mechanism balance.

Close to cranial osteopathy, other methods appeared as cranio-sacral therapies, bio-dynamic therapies and Upledger method.

Another osteopath, John Martin Littlejohn, added neurology and a much more manipulative and structural approach

to what Andrew Still used to teach. This form of osteopathy is widely taught now in most of the schools around the world.

It is interesting to note that current osteopathic schools teach that our body and our emotions are distinct. The emotional and symbolic dimension of the body is not taken into account as, according these schools, they do not influence the body structure.

In 1960 a french citizen, André Brunel, trained in Osteopathy. He did later create one of the first French osteopathic school.

In 1980 he met a very talented physiotherapist, Maurice Poyet.

Both passionated by chinese energetic and the primary respiratory mechanism, they were joined by a group of doctors and physicists to create a new osteopathic method called informational osteopathy or Poyet method.

Based on the primary respiratory mechanism, this research group has shown that the primary respiratory mechanism of the body is organized through 8 distinct networks called linear channels.

As an example, the temporal channel is related to the primary respiratory mechanism of the temporal bone, vertebrae C6, D7, L3, S2, the mandible, the clavicle, the ulna, the pubis, the patella, the navicular and the talus bones and for the organs the kidneys and the bladder. Other discoveries emerge in the way of balancing the body and the craniosacral sphere.
The sacrum is seen now as a keyboard with different entry points and the skull is seen as a screen to verify that the body has integrated these information. Interesting analogy, this method was born at the same time as the first home computers.
Embryology explains the primacy of the sacrum bone. This bone is the first embryonic membrane of the body to be created.

Maurice Poyet noticed also that the PRM of an organ or a skull bone can be " frozen " due to an emotional shock.

In 1995, one of his students, Pierre Vernet, systematized these frozen areas and created Somatopathy. This form of cranial osteopathy directs a session to a psycho-emotional and transgenerational dimension.

A skull bone, a cranial suture or an organ may be frozen due to a painful emotion. As an example, a parietal bone indicates an abandonment issue, the left temporal bone indicates a problematic of connection with the mother, the occipital bone indicates a problematic of rejection, the maxillary bone evokes a suffering of abuse, the lambdoid suture reveals a suffering of betrayal.

From now on, a manual therapy session goes beyond the simple stage of mechanical lesions in order to release

emotions which may hold the body structure, both emotional and transgenerational.
The primary respiratory mechanism of skull bones and sutures of the skull evokes problems experienced as painful by a person or by one of his parents. The primary respiratory mechanism of organs evokes issues in his family history, inherited from one grandparent or great-grandparent. Often a inherited problematic passes from a grandparent to one of his grandchildren.

I share all of these during the online course that I share on Zoom in small group teaching.

In 2000, a French osteopath, Jacky Roux, discovered a movement similar to the primary respiratory mechanism that can be felt in all life forms, mineral, vegetal or animal. He calls this movement the Movement of Life.

Then he realized that the movement of life can be felt at a distance from the patient body and that results obtained remotely

were better and deeper than those obtained in contact.

Over the years, he developed a method that he called Osteodouce ( gentle osteopathy )

When we practice this method, we virtually connect to a joint, our fingers from one hand will be a specific bone, our fingers from the other hand will represent another bone, then we see if we feel between them a harmonious motion in the form of an 8.

This motion is called Lemniscate. If a joint does not present this harmonious shape, it means that bones are not in there original position. The harmonization work is done by putting our full attention on this joint. After a while, we can feel bones leaving their traumatic positions until they gradually regain their harmonious life movement. The structure is adjusted in an energetic way.

The vision of Osteodouce is defined in several points:
- The practitioner works with the universal energy. This energy contains everything, it has a consciousness which is Love.
- Each bone, ligament and organ have a specific consciousness. We can communicate with them, feel and release them
- A practitioner serves as a mediator between the Universal Energy and the consciousness of bones or organs. His role is to observe a body part until he goes back to its original motion, this method respects the bone history and integrity.
- The Universal energy is One and manifests through a polarity. 
- Universal energy acts beyond the notions of space. An experienced therapist can work from very far distances from a patient.

Distance does not exist anymore.
- Universal energy acts beyond the notions of time. It is possible for the universal energy to go back in time to free the origin of a traumatic problem. While conventional osteopathy just restores some adaptations, Osteodouce can release a large number of adaptive layers.
- Osteodouce method allows to scan any body parts with a great precision. It is very easy to learn to do so.
- It is possible to harmonize articular surfaces, to release intraosseous and intrinsic torsions.
- It allows to release emotions and ancestral memories which hold bones or organs.

Using the universal energy, the field of application of our consciousness is limitless.

Today, Osteodouce is a powerful method that revolutionizes osteopathy. It echoes with the many spiritual practices as Meditation and with the most modern sciences of our time such as quantum physics.
Interestingly this remote form of osteopathy was discovered at the same time as the internet.

Learning this method is simple and open to everyone.
The process of harmonization is the same for all body parts which greatly simplifies its learning.
Learning is inexpensive and can be done in a few courses.

This fact contributes to the current emergence of participative and solidarity modes of consciousness.

I was trained by Jacky Roux and by Pierre Vernet and I share these information during the online course with you.

Body memories and layers of adaptation

Like a car brought to the garage, many people think that body pains can be healed in only one session. If not the reason is the therapist having not working properly. The body is much more than a simple vehicle. He holds many kinds of traumatic memories, physical, emotional and transgenerational. Connected to our soul and spirit, our body has his own consciousness.

I usually say that our physical body is our best friend. He accompanies us throughout our life and carries us whatever we do, even if we mistreat him. Our body never lies to us. Our diseases often reflect an emotional dimension.

As an example, sciatica ( along the leg ) or cervicobrachial neuralgia ( along the arm ) often reflect a form of depression which is not conscious. Some people prefer not to face their own problems. In order to not feel their pains they prefer to put them under the carpet to not face them. It is an easy solution for the mind but our body, which already has a lot of work to do, also has to carry these problems that pile up and become heavy to wear. There comes a time when our body like a real friend decides that it is time for his host to transform and grow and to face his own problems : “Listen to yourself, bring awareness in yourself ” says our body.

If the person does not listen the body messages sent in the form of thoughts or sensations, then the body will, often after many years, goes into action. A sciatica may settle as if the body was saying : " You do not want to dig into yourself to transform your life because you are afraid to feel some inner pain so now you cannot walk and you are feeling physical pain ".

Our body is our best friend who always tells us our truth. To get closer to our body, we must listen to him, feeling our body and his messages through sensations. We must remember and focus to our corporal awareness several times a day. Peace lies in our body, not elsewhere. United with our own body, we progress on the wisdom path.
Our body has a distinct consciousness and is connected to our true self.

Misfortunes happen to our body, physical accidents or emotional stress create layers of event that pile up.
Moving, practicing sports, working on ourselves, singing help to release our emotional tensions, allowing flexibility to our global being.
However traumatic layers often persist, inscribed deep into the body since birth and sometimes even before.
There are a lot of methods to lighten body tensions such as massage, bioenergy, rolfing, ...
When a pain becomes acute or chronic, it means that the body has no longer the capacity to accumulate anymore, he has lost his ability to adapt. The body can no longer compensate and it is time to consult a specialist in physical therapy as a medical doctor, a physiotherapist, an osteopath or a chiropractor.

Doctors provides painkillers and drugs don’t solve the problems in the long term. The drugs will cause ligaments to stop informing the brain of the existence of an osteopathic problem and will gradually become denser, increasing problems with age.

Physiotherapists use massage techniques and postural alignments that may not be insufficient to align the structure and help muscle tension to release in the long term. Osteopaths and chiropractors using conventional techniques will align the body structure. This often requires several sessions. Once aligned, the structure regains its ability to adapt again and the pain gradually disappears.
But sometimes problems keep coming back after some times. I often meet people who consult their therapists every week to avoid pain. Their pains return when they experience slight physical or emotional stresses.

Why ? Because sometimes treatment provided only at the physical level doesn’t help to release the multiple layers which accumulate over time. Classical therapies only reposition the body structure in a neutral and balanced way, establishing that once balanced the body will recover its possibility of healing. Unfortunately this principle of osteopathy does not work for everyone.
Our body may remember an old sprained ankle thirty years ago. The chiropractor will balance the ankle but the problem may come back as long as the somatic memory of the accident which occurred thirty years ago is not released. We see here that the long-term solution for many people is to free the body in depth of the various layers that compose it, to release the problem origin.

And this is when Osteodouce, this fascinating energetic healing method discovered by Jacky Roux from France, comes into play.

An essential difference with classical healing methods, Osteodouce is practiced at a distance from the body in order to feel the energy and release layers of traumas. When a body part is aligned, the osteodouce practitioner feels a balanced movement back and forth in his hands. This is the Movement of Life as defined by Jacky Roux.
If a body part is not in its original position or if it is blocked due to an emotion, the practitioner feels an unharmonious or blocked movement of life in his hands. While focusing with kindness on a body part as a vertebra, a sacrum bone, a joint or an organ, the osteodouce therapist observes the body releasing his multiple traumatic layers until a harmonious movement takes place.

As an example, we can feel in our fingers a blocked or compressed vertebra to the right. After a while this vertebra may move in order to free itself and then be blocked again in another position which manifests a previous layer of trauma. We even feel sometimes a vertebra becoming smaller which means that an accident occurred during a younger age when the body was smaller.
In our osteodouce practice, we observe the body releasing the layers of traumas, from the present time to the past.

When a part of the body has finished its release, it manifests again a harmonious movement. If an emotion blocks the movement of life of the body, it is the same principle. We observe with kindness this body part and we gently invite him to return to his original harmonious movement. When it is done, pains disappear and the body is released to a deep level.
Problems which occurs less than five years ago may be harmonized in one session.

Older issues require two or three sessions to give time for the body to organize himself and older layers to surface between sessions.​ We must be patient with our body as our body is patient with us. We must be patient with nature.

Osteodouce and Quantum Physics

Quantum Physicist Ph.D. John Hagelin explains that the foundation of the Universe is a single Universal field of intelligence.

Particles of nature are understood to be One, a Universal ocean of pure, vibrant consciousness in motion. We are just different ripples on a single ocean of existence at the basis of everything. “Just as the waves are continuous with the ocean. Your body is continuous with the total energy system of the cosmos, and it’s all you.” — Alan Watts

New evidence is beginning to show that everything is Energy and the result of an indiscernible sound wave or frequency. Vibrational frequency creates the energy that becomes solid matter. Galaxies, planets, plants, animals and humans are all just waves of vibration of this Unified Field. In essence, we are literally united and One at the core !

“The Universe is connected and alive and we are a part of the metric of space.” — Nassim Haramein

Nassim Haramein was deeply inspired by Einstein and continued to pursue Einstein’s idea that geometry held the key to creating a unified equation for the Universe. He proposes that space is not empty, but rather full of untapped energy. He purposes as well that each proton is connected to all others protons as if the universe was a hologram.


Osteodouce is a new healing method, we don't need to touch the body anymore to adjust it.

​When we practice Osteodouce, we can feel into our hands any body part we focus on, even if a client is located thousands miles away from us. Our experience shows that the notion of space does not exist anymore. We simply focus on a bone and this bone appears in front of us, we can fell it, zoom it and harmonize it for physical pains to disappear.

This is very simple to achieve. All my students learn to do it during their first course. It is very easy as our body works as an antenna.


As well during our practice we often feel and release different layers of body adaptation, from the present time we go back to the past.

As an example we can feel a pelvis becoming very small, this is the sign that an injury occurs during the growing period when the client was an infant. We focus on this pelvis and we observe it releasing different torsions until it flows in a pleasant motion.


Our experience reveals that the energy can travel to different times of injuries in order to release them.

Everything exists here and now, the past becomes the actual present during the time of the harmonization.


​To be able to this, we Osteodouce therapists need to align ourselves to the source which is unconditional Love.

When we connect to Love we automatically connect to the quantum field of information, the Source.

This quantum field contains everything, present, past and future and very importantly in this field everything exists in perfect harmony.

This unified field contains the perfect signature of everything.


When we work, we Osteodouce therapists connect to this field of information then we observe a bone returning to its fundamental blueprint which is located in the quantum field. When a bone returns to the unified field, it manifests a harmonious motion called Movement of Life. Our hands move in a Lemniscate motion, like the 8 shape.

When bones manifests the movement of life, physical pains disappear.


​With these examples, we can see that Osteodouce is an amazing application of Quantum Physics applied to the body.

Thank you Jacky Roux for your amazing work !!

Osteodouce and Love Energy

I gradually stopped my practice of cranial osteopathy for Osteodouce, this wonderful method based on the Universal Energy which was discovered by my friend Jacky Roux in 2000.

In the practice of Osteodouce, we need connect to Love as the Universal Energy is Love.

But I felt some limitation, as if I could not feel Love deeply and mightily.

In a book from Amma that I recently read, she says : " We should not say we are angry but instead we should say that we are anger ". After this reading I understood why my reliance on Love was limited. I used to connect to Love but Love is not external, Love is everywhere. During practice, I understood that I had to become Love. When we become Love, our ego disappears and gives way to Love.
Love can grow more and more as long as we remember ourselves to feel it.
Now when I practice Osteodouce I do not connect anymore to Love. I become Love and I keep reminding myself to feel it in my body, simply again and again if I forget to do so.

Jacky Roux used to say " The purpose of Spirituality is to contain Love ".
Indeed, most people expect to receive Love in a permanent exchange with other people but did they try to feel Love on their own ?
Since reading Amma book, I recall myself in my daily life to feel Love whatever I do. Ten, twenty times a day...Love is a fire that I maintain. I become the wood that fire animates, transforming the smoke of the mind, opening me to fullness. This path requires discipline, it is not easy and it's one of the many reasons why I like Osteodouce so much. Practicing this art is always a great opportunity to keep reminding me to feel Love. I wish you to be full of Love.

Here are some sentences from Amma book. Many resonate with Osteodouce:
" If we focus intensely on a given subject, love for it will grow. "

"Love is born when you do not force anything, when you are totally present without any sense of self and mine which block the current of love. The use of force will destroy the beauty of love, preventing it from being born. "

" Love can not impose anything by force, as Love is a pure consciousness presence. This presence does not know to force - it is, simply. "
" The wise man embraces life with love and unites with it. He simply abandons himself and surrender to it wherever Love wants. "
"Love is not dual. It can only contain One. Love is fullness. In the constant and full of devotion of love, the you and the self dissolve and disappear. Love alone remains. The entire universe is contained in this pure and total love. Love is infinite, nothing can be excluded. Love permeates everything. My children, you must love everything. Then, and only then, you will discover that God loves you and you will fully enjoy all the Love He has for you. " Amma

Our friends the ligaments

I check them very often in my Osteodouce practice. Elastics, they maintain the joints. In case of twists, they calcify to continue to ensure their role, which will limit the harmonization work. When a harmonization takes time, I check each ligament one by one, one hand at each end of the ligament attachment. I thank the ligament for his work and, feeling recognized, he releases his torsion and go back to its natural life movement. The ligament harmonization is fast, however there is often a second layer to release.

Pelvis ligaments : these 20 ligaments are powerful and 20 and it is often necessary to harmonize them.

If a sacroiliac joint is very blocked, I do not bother : I check each of the 5 sacroiliac ligaments then this joint can easily release.

If an iliac bone is blocked, I check the hip joint and if necessary the two iliolumbar ligaments located on the transverse processes of L5 and L4 and attach to the anterior part of the iliac crest. These ligaments are very important because they maintain the spine verticality.

As an example, if a sacroiliac is blocked to the left, the sacrum will rise to the right so the right iliolumbar ligaments will have to pull in order to bring the spine back to its verticality. After years these ligaments will eventually calcify which will limit the work of harmonization of the iliac bone and lumbar vertebrae L4 and L5. Regarding the iliac bone, sacrotuberal and sacro-ischiatic ligament can also block it so it is important to check and harmonize them if necessary. It should be noted that these ligaments are attached to the sacrum and may be responsible for certain sacrum intraosseous torsions, particularly S3-S4-S5.

Finally, two lumbar sacral ligaments lie between L5 and the sacrum. If L5 / S1 is very blocked with a compression on one side,

I harmonize the lumbosacral ligament to release well the joint.

Other important ligaments to know are the 7 ligaments of the ankle, the 8 ligaments of the knee, the 4 ligaments of the shoulder (clavicle, coracoid process and acromion), the 4 ligaments of the ATM as well as the ligaments wing and cruciform between C0-C1-C2.

The other ligaments very rarely need to be worked independently. So there are a few ligaments to know for a better result.​

My tribute to Jacky Roux

The practice of the method discovered by Jacky Roux is fascinating for a great number of reasons. The first reason is because this method of harmonizing the body structure works wonderfully. Without contact, solely by the means of the universal energy which constitutes the unified field of consciousness, the therapist observes the different joints of the body being harmonized by simply placing his attention on them one at a time. And miraculously, it works ! Jacky Roux's office has never been empty; there was even a three-month waiting list for a session !

I was lucky enough to see Jacky working in his office. Sitting quietly about two meters from his patients, I could see him harmonizing painful ankles, blocked shoulders, knees that had to be operated on. After a thirty- to sixty-minute treatment, patients regained normal mobility. Their limbs no longer presented with any pain, and they left delighted. Jacky would sometimes ask them to come back for a second session for chronic problems. He would have his patients sit on a massage table and keep their clothes on and relax during the treatment. Toward the end of his life, had his patients sit comfortably in an armchair.

From the memory of these afternoons spent in his company, the modesty, kindness and elegance of Jacky Roux come back to me. His modesty is expressed in his words "the therapist must place himself below his patients”, that is to say, without the need to be more than someone who treats without ego " the little bobo of life ". Jacky discovered an extraordinary method, and he always knew how to remain an authentic being of great humility. As he said, "it is not us but the consciousness of love who harmonizes. We observe, that's all." This is the essence of his method.

Jacky was a being of great kindness and generosity. With his feet firmly anchored in the ground, his spirituality is expressed in a few words: containing Love. Only Love counts; it is the way and the goal. Containing Love therefore means keeping the reliance on love in our own body as often as possible for this energy to grow. This path is not easy, and for those who want to take this journey, the Jacky Roux method offers a fabulous tool to train us to be here. Going back to Jacky's generosity, when I needed explanations and advice to treat a patient, he always responded by email the same day. This is one example that attests to a rare quality in a field where information is expensive. Put simply, Jacky lived a life of service and sharing. For these reasons, he remains forever a model of a man and of a teacher.

I mentioned earlier the elegance of Jacky Roux. As I first watched him work in his office, I noticed how relaxed and amazed he was by what he could feel and observe with his fingers. After more than twenty thousand sessions of his care, his mind remained amazed by “the small miracles of his method”, the miracles offered by consciousness-energy.

Anchored in the present moment, his gaze was that of a sage and a child, where the joy of what nature can achieve could be seen. The one who became my master in the art of exercising this method simply observed with infinite patience the bodies of the people who came to reconnect with the Infinite.

Reconnecting with the infinite is one of the little "secrets" of his method. Very early, Jacky Roux had an intuition of the quantum unified field, a notion increasingly widespread in modern physics. Physics Nobel laureate David Bohm teaches us that the universe is a hologram and that all forms of life are interconnected with others in an indivisible whole. Jacky calls this great whole “the Frame ". Others called it the Source, the divine plan. Hindus call it Brahma, Buddhists the primordial field.

On a theoretical level, the Jacky Roux method makes the link between spiritualities from all over the world and the quantum sciences which demonstrate the interconnection of life and the relativity of space and time. To my knowledge, it is one of the only methods to offer a practical therapeutic application of these notions. The person trained in the method will indeed be able to scan and harmonize the body of another person without contact. The notion of space no longer exists in the unified field in which everything is One. With experience, a therapist can successfully harmonize a patient who is thousands of miles away because of this notion (that space no longer exists at the quantum level). I experience this every day.

The practice of the Jacky Roux method shows that the notion of time no longer exists at the quantum level either. During a treatment, the therapist can observe different traumatic layers being released one after the other. For example, a pelvis will go into extension which indicates that the patient has had a serious fall on his back; then it can present in latero-flexion to the right which indicates another shock. Similarly, a cranial base can become smaller and smaller in our hands, which indicates that we are working on a lesion established during the growth period, early childhood or even the intrauterine period. Only the present exists, and the energy will contact these different present moments to release their somatic imprints.

On a practical level, the attitude of a therapist is similar to Self-reliance, of reliance on unconditional love. It is a mindfulness approach close to meditation. For this reason, the practice of the Jacky Roux method is fabulous for the one this path of mindfulness attracts. It is nourishing, it helps the other person, and it brings us back to the joy of the present moment, to the exercise of being one in Love.

In terms of learning the method and whether it's simple to learn, I think it's actually quite simple as long as you practice. Interestingly, the evolution of the sharing of the method has been in the image of a critical mass reached. Jacky's very first students felt nothing. Jacky was very annoyed. During the second training a year later, some students started to feel, then the year later, very quickly everyone started to feel. If feeling and scanning a bone remotely is easy, harmonizing requires more training. My personal path to this understanding was to progress, to persevere, to deepen my practice, to have the humility to continuously update my practice.

Anatomy is simple for those who want to devote a little time to it. Some Osteodouce therapists have very good results without knowing the anatomy because they trust the energy and address the bones directly. Bones are alive; they have their own consciousness. They are, in my opinion, multiple hard drives of our memory. They can remember trauma of physical or emotional origin. Sometimes they can also remember transgenerational memories.

The method discovered by Jacky Roux is a powerful one that revolutionizes current osteopathy. It is a revolutionary way of perceiving the body and harmonizing the body structure. The father of osteopathy, Andrew Taylor Still, firmly believed in the existence of a vital energy. We owe credit to Jacky Roux for the birth of a form of energetic osteopathy based on universal energy that leads to new human paradigms and potentialities. Here is an interesting analogy: it is practiced remotely and it was discovered at the same time as the Internet. It reverberates with the most modern sciences of our time such as quantum physics while resonating with the various spiritualities of the world. Learning it is simple and open to everyone. The harmonization process is the same for all parts of the body, which greatly simplifies its practice.

In concluding, I would like to express the deepest gratitude to Life for having brought me to this wonderful couple that is Jacky and Laila Roux. I am infinitely grateful to them for all the attention and friendship they have given me. 

Osteodouce and Periosteum Harmonization

This form of work is very important in the practice of Osteodouce. A bone is composed of a spongy part in the center, a compact part in the middle and is surrounded by a thin fascia layer called "periosteum". When a bone undergoes large adaptive stresses, its periosteum may begin to twist to offer more adaptation and to remain in the joint axis. As years goes, the bone will twist more and more until it reaches a maximum level of intraosseous torsion. From then, people will start to feel pain, sometimes to another body part. As an example, a meniscus problem may come from a twisted cuboid bone which interfere with the calcaneus-cuboid joint and thus make the ankle unstable.

When a bone has an intraosseous twist, harmonizing its joint surfaces with the adjacent bones is not enough. As soon as the patient moves, the joint moves again in its torsion. Harmonization does not hold. It is necessary to harmonize the bone periosteum shape first then it is easy to adjust it with its neighbor. These cases occur very often, especially among the elderly, and that's why I often check a bone shape. As an example, for an ankle, I always check the shape of the talus and calcaneus bones which may be sometimes twisted in their anteroposterior part, as well the shape of the fibula and tibia bones. In practice, for a long bone like a tibia bone, I start from its proximal part at the top and I gently "smooth" the bone between my fingers until its distal part. If the bone is straight, everything is fine. If I feel that this bone has a twist from a point, I will harmonize the normal bone part with the beginning of the twist. In the same way as a joint, I wait until the energy release layers after layer of injuries until I sense a pleasant Lemniscate. Then, I progress centimeter by centimeter to release each twist up to the distal bone part. Finally I check my work by "smoothing" the bone again to make sure that it has returned to its original shape. For a short bone, as a cuboid bone, I take it in my two hands and If I feel a twist, I wait and observe the bone until it manifests a nice movement of life. The periosteum work is usually fast. When a bone feels recognized in its twist and traumatic experience, he is happy to return to his original form. 

To my knowledge Jacky did not develop this work during his teaching. But he was doing it with his clients. I had the chance to spend several afternoons with him in his osteopathic clinic. At that time I was finishing my somatopathy studies and as I knew Jacky since I was a teenager, I was starting to take a serious interest in his method. I was watching Jacky working and he did guide me, explaining his method as he was treating his patients. Everything was new to me and I was feeling remotely nothing.

An elderly man with a knee problem came over and guided by an inspiration, I began to " feel " at distance the tibia bone of this man from top to bottom. I knew about periosteum twists because one of my somatopathy teachers did discover a method to release them. We had to strongly compress bones for intraosseous twists to appear.

In the silence of Jacky's office, suddenly inspired, I began to connect remotely to the patient's tibia bone, just as I had learned to do in contact, and to my surprise, I felt that his tibia was completely twisted near the ankle. I checked several times and the experience was identical. I could even feel where  the twist was beginning exactly ! I was amazed to feel remotely the body structure with so much precision for the first time. Then I heard Jacky saying, " You see Yann, there's a big twist of the tibia bone ".

I opened my eyes widely : Jacky was also remotely feeling the man's shin and he was confirming what I had just felt ! My adventure of Osteodouce began that day and I left Jacky's office full of happiness and Gratitude.

Back to my home, that same evening, as I had two heart ailments a few months earlier, I checked my carotid arteries over the aorta and I could feel that they were compressed. I harmonized them with care and I never had any problems since !


Osteodouce and Somatopathy are to my knowledge the only methods which helps to release intraosseous twists. Harmonizing the bone shape is crucial for a lot of treatments. I share this knowledge to my students during Class 4. The Course is open to all.

Articles to come :

Healing with Lemniscate, the Tao of Love

Maxims of the Day

" Osteodouce is to dive between the infinitely small and the infinitely large." 

~ Yann Yvinec

" The practice of Osteodouce is an act of love which consists in containing and letting go."

~ Yann Yvinec

" Observation harmonizes the movement of life of the structure."

~ Jacky Roux

" The energy is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent."

~ Jacky Roux

" Osteodouce is a social form of mindfulness meditation."

~ Yann Yvinec

" The greatest freedom is to become an instrument of the universal consciousness." 

~ Yann Yvinec

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